We Do It For the Dogs…
Tricks that Help Keep Dogs Safe at Halloween
These tricks help keep dogs safe at Halloween. Think ahead about staying safe.

Sienna and Frodo, friends of ScooperDude, are hoping for a treat.
Keep canines away from candy.
Most people know that chocolate can be lethal for dogs. But any candy with the artificial sweetener xylitol is dangerous for dogs. Even a little xylitol, like in sugarless gum, can poison a dog, cause a drop in blood sugar, seizures or liver damage.
If you want to hand out treats to pups, here’s a round-up of DIY doggie treats from BarkPost. My favorite are the Pumpkin Fro Yo Bites from Irresistible Pets.

Sienna, a friend of ScooperDude
Keep pups inside and away from tricksters.
Dogs are better off inside on Halloween. Pranksters have been known to taunt, hurt or steal dogs around Halloween. Confine your dog to a safe space inside, somewhere away from the door you’ll open when you hand out candy. You don’t want to be chasing after your dog, especially not on Halloween when lots of kids and cars are out.
Take dogs out to pee and poop before Trick-or-Treaters start trooping through the neighborhood. Also think twice, or more, about having your dog go trick-or-treating with you when you take the kids. It’s too easy for dogs to be spooked by the costumes and commotion. Even having a dog in the car with you can be risky. A pup could easily jump out as a child is opening the door to get in.
Here’s a neat trick. Put pumpkins, corn and other fall decorations away from your pup.
According to petMed, a little uncooked pumpkin and corn probably won’t cause an upset stomach. But if a dog eats too much, especially pumpkin or corn that is moldy, it could cause gastrointestinal problems and even blockages.
If you have lit jack-o-lanterns, make sure you watch so that your dog doesn’t catch himself or something else on fire.

No bones about it. ScooperDude friend, Ashton, is ready for a Yappy Howl-O-Ween.
Be careful with costumes. If you dress up your dog, consider these tips:
- Try on costumes before the big night. You may need time to adjust something. More importantly, your dog may need time to adjust to wearing something unfamiliar.
- Make sure the costume doesn’t interfere with a dog’s breathing, movement, eye sight and hearing. Safety first.
- Human supervision is needed – be nearby in case of costume malfunction.
Make sure pet IDs and contact information is up-to-date. In the worst case scenario – your dog is scared and bolts – you want to have the best chance of getting him or her back.
Be safe and Happy Halloween from ScooperDude!

My favorite crappy costume, the Poop Factory. See other versions at PetsLady.com.